Crop rotation is a cultivation technique that involves periodically varying the plant species grown in the same soil: the goal is to preserve soil fertility for a long time, avoiding over-exploitation and ensuring better yields over time.
Although crop rotation is a very old practice, it is still widely used around the world, with a focus on organic and sustainable farming.
So let’s take a look together at what principles govern crop rotation, what benefits you can gain from it, and how PlantVoice can provide real added value in achieving your goals of efficient soil yield.
The benefits of crop rotation
We have briefly discussed the main benefits of crop rotation in the past few lines. Let us try to extend them, devoting a short paragraph to each of the agronomic, economic and environmental benefits.
Soil quality improvement
The first benefit is certainly related to the improvement of soil composition and quality, which in turn results from the different conformation of root systems and the different carbon/nitrogen ratio of plant residues.
It has been known since ancient times that some crops have deeper roots than others, that others require different organic compositions, and so on. The right combination of crops in rotation therefore allows the soil to be regenerated, enabling it – year after year – to safeguard its quality characteristics.
Reduction of phytosanitary risks
Not everyone knows that attacks by pests, weeds and others responsible for plant diseases are more frequent if the same species is always grown in the same plot of land.
Conversely, adopting crop rotation, and alternating plant species means disrupting the biological cycles of pathogens and thus promoting the biodiversity of beneficial organisms.
Optimization of resources
Another major benefit of crop rotation concernsoptimizing the resources used on the land, both water and energy resources.
The reason for this can be traced back to what we have already expressed in part: crop rotation in fact exposes the farmer to meet different climatic and seasonal needs from time to time, thus favoring the alternation of fall arable species with spring arable species, or even alternating short-cycle species with long-cycle species.
Increased profitability of agricultural activities
The last main benefit we would like to share concerns theincreased profitability of farming, given that cultivating different species makes it possible to generate diversified products that can better meet changing market needs.
Therefore, the most profitable or consumer-demanded crops can be chosen temporally, and main crops can be combined with secondary crops to supplement income.
How to do crop rotation
Now that we understand what the main benefits of crop rotation are, let us try to understand how to implement this type of activity, while being aware that there is no single path for designing an effective crop rotation.
Therefore, each farmer will only be able to take into consideration the physical, chemical and biological characteristics of his or her soil, as well as available equipment and skills, production and market needs.
In this regard, we are pleased to mention how thePlantvoice Ecosystem is the ideal way to care for your plants: a set of integrated and advanced tools that provide the farmer with valuable and direct information about plant physiology through non-invasive real-time sap analysis. To learn more and request a free demonstration, you can contact us here.
All that said, there are some general principles that may be useful in designing an effective rotation plan.
For ease of exposition we have summarized them in this table:
Rotation | Description |
Improving crops with depleting crops | It is one of the most well-known rotations and has been used since ancient times. In fact, alternating improving crops with depleting crops allows for balancing withdrawals and inputs of organic matter and nutrients to the soil.
The former, intuitively, are those that can supplement the soil with new organic matter and nutrients. The latter, on the other hand, are those that leave the soil in a worse condition than ex ante, as they absorb and deplete the organic matter and minerals available in the soil. For example, cereals and potatoes belong to this second category. Proper alternation between the two different types of crops allows the soil to be regenerated, prolonging its productivity over time. |
Crops with different root levels | Another well-testable rotation is that related to the use of crops with different root levels.
In fact, as we pointed out a few paragraphs ago, not all plant species have the same root depth. Alternating those with more superficial roots with those with deeper roots, therefore, allows us to take advantage of different soil levels, avoiding the depletion of a single portion. It is then possible to alternate between crops with fascicled roots (typically, cereals), with those that have pivoting roots instead (such as legumes) or even those with tuberous roots (such as potatoes). |
Crops with different water requirements | The third rotation that can be assumed on one’s land is one that alternates species with different water requirements, which can therefore adapt to different conditions, reducing water stress.
For example, typically spring crops such as corn or soybeans can be alternated with typically fall crops such as barley or wheat. |
Crops with different vegetative cycles | Further rotation is that involving different growing cycles, in order to cover as much ground as possible throughout the year and thus avoid overlaps between crop operations.
Thus, it is possible to alternate short-cycle crops (think of lettuce or peas) with long-cycle crops (such as wheat or corn). |
Crops with different market outlets | Finally, also in order to diversify one’s trade channels, it is possible to alternate between crops that have different target markets and uses.
It is therefore possible to alternate between crops with tendentially industrial outlets such as hemp and flax, with food crops such as cereals or fruit crops. |
Two-year, three-year and four-year rotation
Of the most common breakdowns into different rotation categories, those based on time are certainly the best known for distinguishing the evolution of crop alternation.
Again, we try to summarize the different characteristics of each approach by devoting a specific paragraph.
Two-year rotation
Biennial rotation has found strong acceptance in Europe especially on drier soils. In fact, the mechanism of sustainable land use allows half of the soil to be sown with winter wheat, while leaving the other half fallow (i.e., the land fallow, with more or less deep plowing carried out).
In the second year, however, the situation is reversed, cultivating the part left fallow the previous year, and dedicating the part previously exploited to fallow.
Three-year rotation
A second type of rotation based on elapsed time is the three-year rotation, which is also favorably popular in Europe.
In this case, the land is divided into three parts: in the fall wheat is sown on the first plot, while in the spring oats or barley will be sown on the second plot; the third part will be left fallow.
In the second year, crop slippage is carried out so that every three years a portion of the land is affected by rest.
Four-year rotation
Another type of rotation is the four-year rotation. As can be guessed, in this case the land is divided into four portions, dedicating a different crop to each portion.
Crop rotation is then carried out each year, making management more complex than biennial or triennial, but potentially more productive and agronomically and economically efficient.
10 tips for practicing proper crop rotation
In conclusion of our guide to proper crop rotation, we have summarized 10 tips that will enable you to improve your crop efficiency levels.
Let us try to summarize them clearly and concisely.
[1] Planning shrewdly
As is the case with any management activity on one’s own land, the first step can only be the need for careful planning of a complete crop rotation cycle to span multiple years.
Therefore, try to create a detailed program that can alternate crops with different nutrient needs, or following the criteria we summarized above.
As an example, you can alternate leguminous plants-which fix nitrogen-with crops that require a lot of nitrogen instead, such as corn or cabbage, then ending the third year (in the case of a three-year rotation) with less demanding crops.
[2] Respecting botanical families.
Do not grow species belonging to the same botanical family in direct succession, as you would run the risk of defeating the objectives of crop rotation by over-depleting the soil.
For example, do not follow tomatoes with potatoes: both are plants that belong to the Solanaceae family.
[3] Alternating different radical depths.
We have already discussed this as well: always try to combine plants with shallow root systems (such as lettuce and onions) with deep-rooted ones (such as carrots and beets).
By growing plants that have different levels of root depth, it is possible to take advantage of different soil layers and improve soil structure.
[4] Also include green manure crops.
A good tip for improving soil yield and the effectiveness of crop rotations is to periodically insert specific green manure crops, such as mustard or field beans, to be buried to naturally enrich the soil with organic matter and nutrients.
[5] Monitoring nutrient balance.
Always keep track of the nutrient needs of each crop in order to keep the nutrient content of the soil balanced.
After crops that consume a lot of nitrogen, plan legumes or green manures to replenish it and make it available again for plants that take up more of it.
[6] Considering the timing of plant growth.
As far as can be guessed, the rotation must be organized taking into account the seasons and development time of each crop.
This will enable you to maximize land use and plan sowing and harvesting efficiently.
[7] Integrating cover crops.
During transition periods between main crops, try to use species such as rye or clover-they will lend a helping hand in protecting the soil from erosion and keeping microbial life active.
[8] Maintain complete documentation of rotation
Not only is it important to plan the crop rotation correctly, but it is also important to monitor it punctually and record each crop, its location, planting and harvesting dates, and any problems encountered, accurately and on time.
This way you can keep track of the rotation plan in subsequent years and refine it based on evolving characteristics.
[9] Adapting the plan to local conditions.
Consider the climate, soil type and common diseases in your area to choose the most suitable crops and their optimal succession.
In fact, each crop rotation plan must be adapted to the context in which it is applied.
[10] Observe the signs of the terrain
Finally, always pay close attention to changes in soil structure, the presence of specific weeds, and general plant health. This will enable you to assess the effectiveness of the rotation and make any changes effectively, improving soil fertility, reducing phytosanitary problems and optimizing production in the long term.