Gender Equality Policy

Plantvoice Srl has established policies based on the fundamental principles of non-discrimination, equal opportunity, and inclusion to ensure the appreciation of all forms of diversity: gender, age, sexual orientation, ethnicity, religion, and disability.

The company has always valued the skills and abilities of its staff and collaborators, striving to avoid prejudice and stereotypes; in this vein, it has embarked on a concrete and ongoing journey to foster an inclusive culture free from bias (even unconscious bias) that values all individuals within the company equally.

To date, Plantvoice Srl is inspired by values and objectives aimed at initiating a path of change, particularly cultural, through a systematic approach that considers the following core principles:

1- Respect for the constitutional principles of equality and fairness;

2- Adoption of policies and measures to promote female employment;

3- Implementation of measures that support effective equality between men and women in the workplace, including: equal opportunities in job access, pay equality, equal access to career and training opportunities, and full implementation of paternity leave in line with current regulations and best European practices;

4- Promotion of welfare policies to support the “silent work” of those dedicated to family care, in accordance with Article 3, Paragraph 1 of the Constitution (formal equality);

5- Adoption of specific measures to support equal opportunities, in line with Article 3, Paragraph 2 of the Constitution (substantive equality).

To effectively and concretely implement these values, our organization:

– Has established guidelines for gender equality regarding hiring, wages, compensation, training, promotion, termination, and retirement;

– is committed to ensuring equal opportunities at the time of hiring and throughout the training and career journey of each individual employee, defining criteria that avoid discrimination or harm based on gender

– does not engage in or support discriminatory actions on the basis of race, caste, nationality, origin, religion, disability, gender, sexual orientation, association and union membership, political views, or age;

– does not allow behaviors, including gestures, language, and/or physical contact, that could be deemed sexually coercive, threatening, offensive, or exploitative;

– has established reporting mechanisms to ensure that each employee can express their opinions, even in complete anonymity, suggest improvements, make reports regarding gender equality, and be protected from possible retaliation.

– ensures that following complaints, external reports, and/or reports regarding gender equality, reviews are conducted by a committee not involved in the process and that this committee has the resources and tools to conduct case investigations;

– informs and trains personnel to raise awareness on gender equality issues;

– is committed to communicating its dedication to gender equality policies and female
empowerment to all stakeholders by any means;

– is committed to ensuring that all employees retain the benefits defined in their employment contracts even during maternity/paternity leave periods, and is committed to establishing and applying flexible working arrangements, such as smart working, to improve work-life balance.

To ensure the implementation of the commitments outlined in this document, management has appointed a Steering Committee responsible for overseeing the adoption and the continuous and effective application of the established objectives. Management has allocated and entrusted the committee with a budget for activities supporting inclusion, gender equality, and integration.The Steering Committee has set up an anonymous communication channel to provide a reporting mechanism for anyone who is a victim of violence or abuse of any kind or a witness to violence, abuse, and discrimination.